2021 The 3rd International Conference on Composite Materials Science and Technology (ICCMST 2021) will be held in Cavtat, Croatia, during June 17-21, 2021. It is a great pleasure for ICCMST to invite prospective authors initiating the discussion on the challenges that need to be timely overcome and addressing key questions in the field of Composite Materials Science and Technology.
ICCMST is a remarkable event which facilitates the exchanges of ideas, novel and practical techniques and applications in various fields of advanced materials including but limited to composite materials and nanomaterials, chemical and materials engineering, nanotechnology etc.
The health and safety of all participants is our top priority. The organizing committee will focus on current COVID-19 situation and change the conference to virtual one if the environment is not good enough for our participant to share ideas. Authors will enjoy online registration fee. All registered full papers will be published as scheduled.
Download conference flyer. (.pdf file)

Key Dates
Mar. 30th
Submission Deadline
Apr. 20th
Date of Notification
May 10th
Registration Deadline
Jun. 17-21
Conference Dates
Accepted papers will be published into IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1757-899X). Content will be submitted to the indexing.